Receiving a Transfer

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Locations in the left side menu and click Receive Transfer.
  2. Select the transfer to receive using one of the following methods:
    1. Typing the transfer to receive and then pressing Enter or clicking .
    2. Click to search for a transfer to receive. To narrow the results, enter search text into the Search box on the top right of the grid.
  3. Update information as required on the General tab
    1. Override the date received by removing the Use Current Date & Time flag and setting the correct values.
    2. Add any Notes about the receipt.
  4. Select the Details tab.
  5. Select the new Inventory Status to be applied to the inventory received at the stocking location.
  6. Specify the inventory to receive using one of the methods below:
    1. For each item ID to receive,
      1. Enter the Item ID.
      2. Enter the Received Qty.
      3. Optionally enter the and specify the Bin where the item is stored.
      4. Click to copy the inventory to the grid below.
    2. To receive all inventory on the transfer, select Receive All?.
  7. Select Print after saving? if a printed transfer receipt is required.
  8. Click to receive the transfer.

See also:

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