Using Quick Filters for Reports

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Filters tab is automatically displayed when a report is launched. It contains shortcuts to enter the most commonly used simple filters for a specific report. One or more filters can be entered.

See this video for an overview difference between Quick and Advanced Filters and walkthroughs of multiple examples.

Depending on the report, different types of quick filters may be available for various fields:


Pick a value from a list. Find the value in the list by typing a few characters to find the closet match or by clicking on the arrow.

Examples: Stocking Point, Entity.


Dates can be selected using a calendar or typed. Typed dates should be in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm'. The 'hh:mm' can be left off, with the time portion defaulting to 00:00 (start of day). When using date comparisons for date ranges, lower date limits are >= (greater than or equal to) and upper date limits are are < (less than).

Relative dates of 'today', 'yesterday', or 'tomorrow' are also supported.


  • Service Due Date < [enter the date after the last item is due]
  • End Date >= [enter the earliest desired end date of the range]

and End Date < [enter the date after the last desired end date of the range]

  • Due Date < [enter today, tomorrow, or yesterday in lower case with no single or double quotes or apostrophes]

Text boxes

Text boxes have two types of comparisons:

  • = (equals) is used to filter for exact matches of the full field
  • CONTAINS which finds a partial value anywhere in the field or an exact match of the full field


  • Part Number = [enter the exact part number to filter for]
  • Job Number = [enter the exact job number to filter for]
  • Category CONTAINS [enter a few characters or the exact category to filter for]

Any filters entered on this tab work in conjunction with any Advanced Filters.
When scheduling reports, use relative dates only with Advanced Filters. Quick Filters are saved with the value of the date at the time the report is created.

See also:

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