Look up an Item - tool, equipment, or material

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

There are multiple ways to view the information for an item, whether it be in the browser, on the TH6 Mobile app, or using the TH6 Kiosk.

You can search the item ID

  • on the Part Numbers page or Serialized Items page in the browser. When you look up a serialized item ID on the Part Numbers page, click the Items tab to find the item ID then click the row to view the details.
  • on the Item Lookup screen in the TH6 Mobile app
  • on the Item Lookup screen on the TH6 Kiosk.

In all cases, you can search by a full or partial value. If there are multiple matches, select the appropriate item ID from the list displayed.

To search for an exact item ID where you might have multiple partial matches, preface the item ID with =. Example: =91 displays only the item ID 91 and will exclude 912, 54191, 7ABC918, etc.

You can also search by information in other fields such as Category, User field (1, 2, and 3), Description, Part Number, etc.

Search for a Primary ID or Alternate ID the same way: Type the ID in the Item ID field and press Enter (or click Search). The results will be displayed showing the Primary ID in the Item ID field even if you searched for an Alternate ID.

See also:

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