Returning Inventory

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Watch this video on checking out and returning inventory in the browser and in the Mobile app.

  1. Click Transactions then click Issue / Return. By default, the following fields are set:
  • Use Current Date & Time? is selected by default. Remove the check to manually enter a date and/or time other than the current.
  • Stocking Point is populated by default if there is only one stocking location. Override the stocking location if necessary.
  • Print after saving? and Email after saving? will use the last settings. Override these defaults if desired.
  1. Specify the Entity for the personnel or non-stocking location for this transaction. Type or scan the entity ID in to text box. If the ID is not known, choose the entity from the drop-down list in the next field after typing a partial name to filter the list.
  2. Select the Transaction Type drop-down List. The basic transaction type is Return when inventory is being brought back from the field. Other transaction types might be available for your organization for specific purposes. The default Return Status to be assigned to each item is OK. This can be changed or overridden for each item ID if required.
    When individual items are damaged, written off, scrapped, lost, or beyond economical repair, use the appropriate Return Status for this item. Generally this is done on the row for the Item ID if not all tools and equipment being returned are in the same state.
  3. Add any additional information for this transaction including Reference, Notes, costing information, or Work Order No.
  4. Record the inventory being returned.
    1. Enter or scan each Item ID. The item ID will be transferred to the grid below with the Qty Return of 1.
    2. Adjust the quantity to be returned for non-serialized inventory if necessary by modifying the Qty Return on the row for this item ID.
    3. Modify the Return Status for this item ID, if required.
    4. Enter the Cost Code on the row for this item ID if Job and Sub Job cost coding options have been selected for the transaction.
    Click Issued Inventory to select one or more item IDs to return from the list of inventory already issued to the selected entity. Update each Qty Return, Return Status, and Cost Code if required. You can target what is issued to the entity for a specific job, sub job, and cost code by selecting the references then clicking to toggle on the filtering so that it appears as .
  5. Press to process the return for all items.

When returning serialized inventory under a different entity that it was originally issued to, automatic return and issue transactions may be created depending on the stocking location's Settings.
For detailed information about returning bulk or consumable inventory in excess of what was originally issued to the entity, read this article.

See also:

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