Inventory Reports

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The available Inventory reports are listed alphabetically below. Most frequently used reports are in bold.

Bulk Kit Content

Displays a list of bulk kit(s) and the contents of each kit.

Columns on this report: Inventory ID, Part No, Description, Inventory Status, Location Name, Item ID, Serial Number, Part No, Description, Required Qty, Quantity.


Displays the list of categories and subcategories in your system. Use this report to see an overview of all categories and sub categories to aid in planning or streamlining these classifications.

Columns on this report: Category, SubCategory.


Displays a list of conditions that have been entered into the system.

Columns on this report: Condition, Active.

Count Discrepancies

Displays a list of discrepancies found on a specific closed count.

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Item ID, Location Name, Bin Shelf, QOH, Quantity, Average Cost, Discrepancy, Discrepancy Amount.

Count Sheet

Displays a list of items expected to be counted for a specific count number. Use this report to record quantities before inputting into the Count.

Columns on this report: Item ID, Part No, Description, Location Name, Bin Shelf, Abbreviation, Count.

Dead Stock

Displays a list of inventory by location that has not been issued since a user-specified date.

Columns on this report: Part No., Description, Inventory ID, Bin Shelf, Qty On Hand, Issued, Last Issue Date


​Displays a master list of all inventory, summarized by part number. Use this report as a catalog of your inventory.

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Inventory Type, Inventory ID, Category, SubCategory, Location Name, Manufacturer, Size, Model, Vendor, Unit Of Measure, Country, Active, Replaced By, Warranty, Total Life, User Field 1, User Field 2, User Field 3, Average Cost.

Inventory Adjustments

Displays a list of all inventory adjustments based on location and/or other parameters.

Columns on this report: Adjustment No., Inventory ID, Part No, Description, Location Name, Category, SubCategory, Created Date, Job, Sub Job, Cost Code, Created User, Reason, Quantity, Cost, Total

Inventory Bar Codes

Displays a list of bar codes that can be printed and put on the items in the inventory. Designed to fit Avery 5160 labels or 1"x2" roll labels

Columns on this report: Item ID (in scannable code 3of9 format), Item ID, Description, Part No, Serial Number

Inventory by Location

Displays inventory quantities, summarized by part number, for each the stocking location. Use this report to view your overall inventory, comparing information such as quantity on hand versus issued and minimum on hand and maximum on hand.

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Inventory ID, Location Name, Bin Shelf, Min On Hand, Max On Hand, Qty On Hand, Issued, In Transit Inbound, In Transit Outbound, Reserved, In Kit, Qty On Hand, On Order.

Inventory Certifications

Displays a list of Certifications on part numbers. Use this report to review training and safety requirements.

Columns on this report: Certification, Description, (Item) Description, Part No, Item ID.

Inventory QR Codes

Displays a list of QR codes that can be printed and put on the items in the inventory. Designed to fit Avery 5160 labels or 1"x2" roll labels

Columns on this report: Description, Part Number, Serial Number, Item ID (in scannable QR code), Item ID.

QR Codes are limited to alphanumeric 0–9, A–Z (upper-case only), space, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, :

Inventory Statuses

​Displays the list of inventory statuses that have been entered into the system.

Columns on this report: Inventory Status, Can Issue, In Transit, Can Transfer, Is Retired, Available For New, Is Issued, Active.

Inventory Tasks

Displays a list of all part numbers having service tasks and the frequency of the task.

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Task, Frequency, Meter.

Inventory Types

Displays the list of inventory types that have been entered into the system.

Columns on this report: Inventory Type, Bulk, Consumable, Non Stock, Serialized, Active.

Inventory Valuation

Displays a list of all inventory in a location or locations and the value of all the items.

Columns on this report: Qty On Hand, Issued, Total, Part No, Description, Item ID, Location Name, Average Cost, Qty On Hand, OnHandTotal, Issued, IssuedTotal, Total.

Inventory Vendors

Displays a list of all designated recommended vendors for each part number.

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Location Name, Primary, Vendor, Vendor Part No, Manufacturer, Model, Unit, Conversion Factor, Lead Time Days, Blanket Order Number, Blanket Order Price, Active.

Low Inventory

Displays a list of part numbers that have a QOH below the Min level.

Columns on this report: Part Number, Description, Item ID, Location ID, Location Name, Min, QOH, Current Issues, On Order, In Transit.

Low Inventory By Parent Location

Displays a summarized list, according to the selected visibility, of part numbers that have a summarized QOH below the summarized Min level with the suggested order quantity, last PO (whether or not approved), and the primary vendor(s).

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Item ID, Qty On Hand, Min On Hand, Max On Hand, On Order, In Transit Inbound, In Transit Outbound, Order Qty, PO Number, Vendor


Displays the list of manufacturers that have been entered into the system.

Column on this report: Manufacturer.

Peak Usage

Displays a list of all inventory in a specific location or all locations and their peak usage (peak utilization, most issued) versus QOH.

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Location Name, Qty On Hand, Issued, Reserved, In Kit, Qty On Hand Total, Issued To Date, Peak Usage.

Retired Assets

Displays a list of lost tools and other retired items by location(s).

This report includes only assets that are currently retired. It does not include those that were previously reinstated. For an audit trail of all items that have been retired, use the Damaged Tools report under Transactions.

Columns on this report: Part No, Description, Item ID, Serial Number, Inventory Status, Cost, Date, Location Name, Previous Entity, Category, Subcategory.

Serialized Inventory

Displays a list of all the serialized items by location and/or part number.

Columns on this report: Item ID, Part No, Description, Serial Number, Inventory Type, Inventory Status, Active, Location Name, Bin, Current Entity, Last Issued Date, Category, SubCategory, Department, Condition, Manufacturer, Size, Model, Unit of Measure, User Field1, User Field2, User Field3, Cost, Third Party Rental, Vendor.

Serialized Kit Content

Displays a list of serialized kit(s) and the contents of each kit.

Columns on this report: Inventory ID, Part No, Description, Inventory Status, Location Name, Dissolvable Kit, Item ID, Serial Number, Part No, Description, Bin Shelf, Required Qty, Quantity.

Serialized Utilization

Displays serialized item usage (utilization) in days and percent of lifetime.

Columns on this report: Part Number, Description, Item ID, Days Issued, Avg Days issued, Lifetime, Percent

Units of Measure

Displays the list of units of measure that have been entered into the system.

Columns on this report: Abbreviation, Unit of Measure


Displays a list of Vendors in a location or locations.

Columns on this report: Vendor, Vendor No, Address, Account No, Contact, Title, Email, Telephone, Mobile Phone, Home Phone, Fax, Notes, User Field 1, User Field 2, User Field 3.

See also:

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