Who is the ToolHound administrator?

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Usually your ToolHound administrator is a tooling manager, supervisor, or whoever is in charge of Stores, the Warehouse, or inventory management at your organization. It is also possible that your IT personnel will be the ToolHound administrator. Generally there is only one administrator.

Your ToolHound administrator handles new user logins, forgotten passwords, setting permissions on roles for users, and other system-wide tasks.

The ToolHound administrator was the first user created for your ToolHound database and has full access to all areas of ToolHound. The user record for the ToolHound administrator has the Super role. Because someone must have absolute access to the system at all times, this user cannot be made inactive and the role cannot be changed.

Often the ToolHound administrator will have the login "admin" but this is not always the case. The user login (user name) can be anything. The role will always be Super.
The Super role is reserved for the ToolHound administrator and cannot be edited.

Only the administrator user can edit their user record. If your organization no longer has access to the administrator login, contact Support.

See also:

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