Data to Import

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Watch this video for tips and a walkthrough of importing data.

The following can be imported:



This is the detailed information for all checkout and return transactions to establish the current location of assets and record activity history.

Pick Requisition

The details of an existing approved requisition with the items and quantities picked.

Transaction Requisition

Either historical requisitions or requisitions needing approval prior to being picked.


Part Number

This is the general information for the inventory part number forming your inventory catalog.  For non-serialized inventory, include the primary ID. Also for non-serialized inventory, the quantity will need to be added with an inventory adjustment for each primary ID.

Categories and sub categories will be imported along with the part numbers but other references (vendors, manufacturers, units of measure) must be added first.

Min Max

These are the minimum and maximum on hand for each part number for each stocking location. Used for Purchasing functions and the Low Inventory Report.

Serialized Item

This is the detailed information for each unique inventory item.

References including the vendors, manufacturers, units of measure must be added first.

Adjust Inventory

​This is for adding quantities to Bulk and Consumable part numbers.


The quantities counted for each item ID for an existing physical count (inventory count) number.


These are any categories and subcategories for organizing inventory.


This is a list of manufacturers.


List of vendors that the organization uses. Mostly frequently used with the Purchasing and Service modules.

Part Number Vendor

​This are the vendors associated with inventory part numbers for future purchasing. Set preferred and alternate vendors, purchase units and conversion factor, pricing, and blanket order numbers if applicable.

References including the vendors, manufacturers, units of measure, and stocking locations must be added first.

Inventory Image

This is for importing pictures for part numbers. Importing images for part numbers does not use a spreadsheet template. Ensure that the image file name matches an existing part number. Import images for one or more part numbers at a time.

To import multiple images at once, click Choose Files then press and hold down Ctrl while clicking to select each image.

The image file name must match an existing Part Number in order to be imported.
Supported image formats are .gif, .png, .jpg, and .jpeg

Inventory File Attachments

This is for importing file attachments for part numbers. This type of import does not use a spreadsheet template. To import multiple files at once, click Choose Files then press and hold down Ctrl while clicking to select each file.

Ensure that the image file name matches an existing part number. Format the file name as [part number] ~ [file name] ~ [description].[file extension]

  • Example: 10020 ~ kirk.pdf will be saved as an attachment for the record 10020 with the file name kirk.pdf and the description kirk.pdf

Serialized File Attachments

This is for importing file attachments for serialized items. This type of import does not use a spreadsheet template. To import multiple files at once, click Choose Files then press and hold down Ctrl while clicking to select each file.

Ensure that the image file name matches an existing serialized item ID. Format the file name as [item ID] ~ [file name] ~ [description].[file extension]

  • Example: 10020 ~ kirk.pdf will be saved as an attachment for the record 10020 with the file name kirk.pdf and the description kirk.pdf



This is the information available for personnel or employees for all employers.

If importing supervisors and their subordinates, create two personnel import files: one with supervisors to be imported first and a second file with the subordinates.
Crafts must be entered before importing personnel if using Crafts.

Personnel Certification

​This is any information for any certifications for any personnel.


​These are the names and unique IDs for the organization and contractor companies employing personnel.


This is the list of crafts or trades for personnel.


This is the list of certifications (training cards) needed for personnel and tools.

Personnel File Attachments

This is for importing file attachments for personnel. This type of import does not use a spreadsheet template. To import multiple files at once, click Choose Files then press and hold down Ctrl while clicking to select each file.

Ensure that the image file name matches an existing personnel entity ID. Format the file name as [entity ID] ~ [file name] ~ [description].[file extension]

  • Example: 10020 ~ kirk.pdf will be saved as an attachment for the record 10020 with the file name kirk.pdf and the description kirk.pdf

Personnel Image

This is importing pictures of personnel. Importing images for personnel numbers does not use a spreadsheet template. Ensure that the image file name matches an existing Personnel ID. Import images for one or more personnel records at a time.

To import multiple images at once, click Choose Files then press and hold down Ctrl while clicking to select each image.

The image file name must match an existing Personnel ID in order to be imported.
Supported image formats are .gif, .png, .jpg, and .jpeg



This is information about new locations, both stocking locations (stocking points, warehouses, remote tool cribs, tool cribs, or tool trailers that own and issue inventory) and non-stocking locations (entities).

Stocking locations exceeding the number of licensed stocking locations will not be imported. Non-stocking locations are unlimited.

For information on increasing the number of licensed stocking locations, contact your account manager.


This is historical information about transfers.

Receive Transfer

The details of an existing transfer with the items and quantities received at the destination.


Purchase Order

This is the detailed purchase order for Outstanding, or Unreceived PO's with a single row for each part number appearing on the PO.

Purchase Requisition

This is the detailed list of items that are requested to be purchased.

Receive Inventory

This is the details of parts, item IDs, and quantities received for existing POs.


Meter Reading

These are non-date based meter reading values for tasks associated with serialized items

Work Order

This is the service or repair work order history for serialized items.

Associated tasks, statuses, types and priorities must be added first.


This is the task list that are used for Work Orders and to define preventive maintenance required for part numbers.

Serialized Service Tasks

These are the details of last service for each serialized item's service requirements.

Work Order File Attachments

This is for importing file attachments for work orders. This type of import does not use a spreadsheet template. To import multiple files at once, click Choose Files then press and hold down Ctrl while clicking to select each file.

Ensure that the image file name matches an existing work order. Format the file name as [work order no] ~ [file name] ~ [description].[file extension]

  • Example: 10020 ~ kirk.pdf will be saved as an attachment for the record 10020 with the file name kirk.pdf and the description kirk.pdf

Transfer Rentals

Transfer Charge

This is manual charge for inventory on an existing Rate Sheet for a combination of Billing Location and Renting Location. For use with Transfer Rental module.

Transfer Rate Sheet

This is rental rate information related to an existing Transfer Rate Sheet. For use with Transfer Rental module.

Transaction Rentals

Transaction Charge

​Import manual charges for part numbers already on rate sheets where the entity is already configured to be charged rent. For use with Transaction Rental module.

Transaction Rate Sheet

This is rental rate information related to an existing Transaction Rate Sheet. For use with Transaction Rental module.

Rate Sheet Holiday

This is the list of Rate Sheet Holdiay dates where rent will not be charged for items already on rent. For use with Transaction Rental module.



This is the list of Jobs and Sub Jobs used for costing.


This is a list of roles defining permissions granted to users.


This is a list of users (individual user logins) who will access ToolHound.

Named users exceeding the number of licensed users will not be imported. Mobile users are unlimited.

For information on adding more named users, contact your account manager.

See also:

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