About Attachments

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Attachments can be added to nearly every screen or tab and, in many cases, to line items on documents or transactions. Attachments can be files such as documents or images, links to internet or intranet sites, or comments.

For convenience in retrieving attachments, they are listed from most recently added or edited to oldest and there is a filter row for searching.

Fields on this window include:


Unique name or identifier for the attachment of up to 50 characters


The type of the attachment.

Files are limited to 60MB per attachment.
Link attachments must contain the full URL beginning with either "http://" or "https://".
Mobile devices are limited to opening URLS or hyperlinks beginning with https. Mobile devices will not load URLS or hyperlinks beginning with http.


Displays the date the attachment was added or edited. System generated, Read Only.

Modified By

Displays the name of the user that added or edited the attachment. System generated, Read Only.

See also:

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