Certifications tab for Part Numbers

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This tab is used maintain a list of certifications (training certificates, licenses, tickets, cards) for special training required to use this item.

Certification expiration dates are stored on the Personnel Certifications tab. As certifications are renewed by the employee, update the expiration date.
Watch this video for an overview and walkthrough how to improve worker safety by using certifications to help avoid untrained or unqualified individuals having access to specialized tools & equipment.
To add a certification to a part number,
  1. Click Inventory in the left side menu, then select Part Numbers.
  2. Look up the appropriate part number.
  3. Select the Certifications tab.
  4. Click in the grid to add a new certificate.
  5. Select the Certification from the list.
  6. Click to attach the certification requirement to the part number.

See also:

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