About Transaction Requisitions

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Requisitions are requests for inventory from any stocking location. This feature is used to view, approve, close or cancel requisitions generated using Create Requisition in advance of the date when the requisition will be picked and issued.  It can also be used to create a requisition, these requisitions may or may not be flagged as reservations, which remove the requested inventory from availability for issue.

Information stored in a requisition includes the entity requesting the inventory, the location from which it is being requested, and any other identifying details for the requisition, like shipping instructions, notes and the list of the requested inventory.

Once a requisition is picked, the transaction details and any substitutions are shown on the corresponding tabs.

The requisition process can be tailored to incorporate one or more notification emails and approvals. To see possible workflows for transaction requisitions, see this video.
The Requisitions page can be used to add a new requisition but Create Requisition is more commonly used. See Creating a Requisition.
Requisitions must be approved prior to being picked. See Approving a Requisition.
Related Reports
Requisition Back Orders, Transaction Requisition

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