About Inventory Statuses

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Inventory statuses define the behaviour of items and whether the asset is eligible for transactions, transfers, requisitions or other actions and the result of documents. Inventory statuses are also linked to transaction types and return statuses.

Disambiguation: This topic is about inventory status definitions. The inventory status on a serialized item can be changed within limitations.

This page is used to view the standard inventory statuses available in ToolHound. Additional inventory statuses can be customized using a combination of these six base options.  

Before making any changes to inventory status definitions or adding any new inventory statuses, contact ToolHound Support. Improperly configured inventory statuses or an inventory status set to a conflicting transaction type or return status can cause inventory to be trapped in limbo.

Fields on this tab include:

Inventory Status

Enter a unique inventory status description. Up to 60 characters.


Choose a color for the inventory status to make it stand out.

Can Issue

The asset is eligible for issue and return transactions. Can be used in combination with In Transit and Can Transfer.

In Transit

The asset has left one stocking point and is en route to another. Can be used in combination with Can Issue and Can Transfer.

Can Transfer

Assets are candidates for transfer to another stocking point. To prevent inventory from being transferred, do not assign this flag. Can be used in combination with Can Issue and In Transit.

Is Retired

The asset is no longer available for any action and is removed from service (lost, scrapped, damaged beyond repair, etc). Can't be used in combination with any other flag.

Available for New

The asset is new into the system and available for issue and return transactions. Can be used in combination with Can Issue and Can Transfer.

Is Issued

The asset has left a stocking point and is in the possession of an entity. Can be used in combination with Can Issue.


Active by default. Make inactive to prevent the use of this inventory status in future.

Related Reports
Inventory Statuses

See also:

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