About Change Item Status

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Change Item Status is used to change the inventory status on serialized inventory items to a different, usually equivalent, inventory status. This is useful when the inventory statuses are being broken out into multiple descriptions for the same status or if the incorrect item status was used when the item was added or on an issue/return transaction. Since only statuses with the same definition are eligible, the status can't be changed on items that are issued or in transit.

Change Item Status cannot be used to put a previously retired item (Lost, Write Off, or Sold) back in stock. See Reinstating a Retired Item.

This process does not change the quantity on hand. To change a quantity, use an inventory adjustment.
See this video for an over view of Change Item Status and a walkthrough of different uses.

Change From


In Stock or any status with the Can Issue flag

  • Any inventory status defined as Can Issue
  • Any inventory status with no flags

Inventory status with no flags

  • Any inventory status with no flags
  • Any inventory status defined as Can Issue

Lost, Write Off, Sold, or any status with the Is Retired flag

Any inventory status defined as Is Retired

Issued or any status with the Is Issued flag

Not permitted

In Transit or any status with the In Transit flag

Not permitted

Depending on the case, it might be advisable to perform an issue/return transaction or retire the item instead of changing the status.

Fields on this screen include:

Item ID

Enter the ID of the item that will be changed.

Original Inventory Status

Displays the current Inventory Status.

New Inventory Status

Select the new Inventory Status from the drop down list.


Enter a reason for the status change.

Part Number

Displays the Part Number of the item to be changed.


Displays the Description of the Item to be changed.

Created Date

Displays the date the change was implemented. System generated.

Created User

Displays the name of the user who mad the change. System generated.

See also:

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