About Part Numbers

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Each item in your inventory is identified by a Part Number and a Primary ID, and has a Visibility. Part numbers must first be created in ToolHound before entering new IDs. Depending on the inventory type, a part number might have one or multiple associated primary IDs.

Information stored on part number records include the general identifying data for the part, a list of required component part numbers in the case of bulk kits, different stocking locations, lists of IDs for serialized inventory, alternate IDs for non-serialized inventory, notes, service requirements, purchasing preferences and history, and rates for both internal and external rental.

Common fields across all tabs include:

Part No

The unique part number for the item of up to 40 characters.

It is recommended to not use the underscore symbol ( _ ) in part numbers. Other special characters are supported ( ! # $ *@ - / )

Inventory Type

Select an inventory type from the drop down list.

Inventory types can only be changed using Change Inventory Type and according to certain restrictions.

Item ID

Displayed only for non-serialized inventory types. Enter the unique item ID for non-serialized inventory types. For serialized inventory types, the Items tab will be displayed listing each associated item ID. Supports up to 50 characters.

If you plan on using QR codes rather than barcodes, note that they are limited to alphanumeric 0–9, A–Z (upper-case only), space, $, %, *, +, -, ., /, :


Select a location from the drop down list.

Best practice is to set this to the non-stocking location at the top of your location hierarchy to ensure all stocking points will standardize on the same terminology and usage statistics (utilization) will be available organization-wide rather than only at each stocking location.


Enter the name or description of up to 70 characters for the item.

Best practice for descriptions is create them from left to right most general to most specific. This is to improve readability of reports and for the ease of finding information quickly in a list. Examples include Fire Extinguisher, ABC, 10LB and HARDHAT, P2A, White and Lift, Boom 40' 4x4 Propane/Gas and Earplugs, Corded, Foam, Orange, 3M


Specify if the part number is available for use. New part numbers are automatically made active when they are saved.

Part Numbers can be made inactive when there are outstanding issues. Note that these issues cannot be returned while the part number is inactive and will remain in limbo until the part number is active.


Specify if this part is a kit, rather than a tool, used to move other inventory as a group for transactions and transfers. Kit contents must also have part numbers and items IDs before being assigned to individual kits.

The Kit flag cannot be removed from a part number once it is created. For more information, see About Kits.

Dissolve Serialized Kit

This option can be selected only for part numbers flagged as Kits. A dissolvable serialized kit is intended to break up when issued. The kit Item ID will remain in stock while the item IDs on the Kit Contents tab for the serialized kit are issued. For more information, see About Dissolving Kits.

Supported image formats are .gif, .png, .jpg, and .jpeg. Pictures are limited to a maximum size of 28.6MB.

Related Reports
Bulk Kit Content, Dead Stock, Inventory, Inventory By Location, Inventory Certifications, Inventory Tasks, Inventory Valuation, Inventory Vendors, Low Inventory, Low Inventory By Parent Location, Peak Usage

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