About Jobs and Sub Jobs

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Jobs can be used as an additional reference for tracking or billing to a job site when issuing inventory to personnel for accountability. Jobs can be a specific job number, area of a plant site, or ERP job number. Jobs can have Sub Jobs and each sub job can have multiple pre-existing Cost Codes linked to them.

This feature allows a user to add, edit, look up or delete jobs and sub jobs and link cost codes to sub jobs.

Disambiguation: This article is about optional references for transactions and other documents. To issue inventory directly to project sites or job sites with no individual accountability, set up this site as a non-stocking location entity.
For each stocking point, check Use Cost Coding? to enable job, sub job, and cost code references on transactions, transfers, purchase orders, and other documents.
Job references are always optional and cannot be forced to be required.

Fields on this page include:

Job Number

A unique job number or identifier. Can be alphanumeric.


A unique description for the Job.


Checked by default. Indicates whether the Job is available for use.

Sub Job Number

A unique sub job number or identifier for the job. Can be alphanumeric. Displayed under the Job.

Sub Job

The sub job description.

Cost Code

Attach one or more pre-existing cost codes to a combination of Job and Sub Job. Displayed under the Sub Job.

Watch this video for an understanding of the different pick lists available and the types of data they contain. If you are importing inventory or personnel data, these values need to exist in the system first.
Related Reports
Job Bar Codes, Job QR Codes, Jobs, Sub Job Bar Codes, Sub Job QR Codes

See also:

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