Adjusting Inventory on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Tap Inventory then tap Adjust Inventory. The selected stocking Location will be displayed.
  2. ​​Enter the Item ID for the inventory to adjust. Type the item ID or to scan the barcode or QR code. If the Item ID is not available or is not known, tap to search. The Part Number, Description and current Qty On Hand will be displayed.
  3. Enter the details for the adjustment.
    1. Enter the Quantity of the adjustment by either typing the number or tapping the or to increase or decrease the number.
    2. Enter a Reason for the adjustment.
    3. Select an Inventory Status if adjusting a Serialized Item.
  4. Enter a Cost if available. The Currency will be displayed based on the company Settings.
It is best practice to enter purchase costs or replacement costs when new inventory is added as this is most easily done now impacts data appearing on reports.
If the Cost field is not visible, contact your ToolHound Administrator to turn on Access Actual Costs for your user login.
  1. Enter a storage Bin/Shelf location if applicable. Optionally tap to scan a bin barcode.
  2. Enter a Job Number, Sub Job Number and Cost Code if required. Tap to scan a barcode for the line, if available, or if the ID is not known, tap to select from the list after entering a number. Displayed only if Use Cost Coding has been selected for this stocking location.
  3. Tap to save the adjustment.

See also:

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