About the Issued Assets Email

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Issued Assets Email is used to email notifications of all inventory outstanding to entities - either personnel or non-stocking locations - based on the criteria you select. Similar to emailing outstanding issues from the Transaction History for Personnel or non-stocking Locations, the Issued Assets Email sends multiple emails at once and with a customizable message.

You can combine multiple criteria options such as

  • Stocking Point and Job
  • Employer and Send Email to Supervisor Only
  • Stocking Point and Reference and Overdue Items Only.
Entities must have an email address in order for the email to be sent.

See this video on using Issued Assets Email.
A list of issued assets for a single entity can also be sent from TH6 Mobile from the Issued Items page by tapping at the top right of the screen.


Entity ID

Enter an Entity ID to send an email only to that individual or non-stocking location. This is the same as clicking on the Transaction History tab for either Personnel or Locations.


Select an Employer to send email only to the employer's personnel with outstanding inventory.


Select the Stocking Point to send email to all personnel and non-stocking locations with outstanding inventory from this stocking point.


Select the Supervisor to send email only to those personnel with outstanding inventory who are subordinates to the supervisor.

Send Email to Supervisor Only

Check this option to email only supervisors of personnel with outstanding inventory. No email is sent for those personnel without supervisors or non-stocking locations.

CC Supervisor

Check this option to email the personnel's supervisor in addition to the employee.


Select the Job to send email only to those entities with inventory outstanding for the job.

Sub Job

Select the Sub Job to send email only to those entities with inventory outstanding for the sub job.

Work Order No

Select the Work Order No to send email only to those entities with inventory outstanding for the work order.


Enter text to send email only to those entities with inventory outstanding where the transaction Reference includes this full or partial value.

Overdue Items Only

Send email only for those items where the due date has passed (Over Due Issues).

Additional Message in Email Body

Type a standard message to be included with each email being sent. This text is retained for future emails but can be overridden at any time.

HTML tags are supported. To add a carriage return (Enter) anywhere in the message, or to add a blank line after the message but before the list of assets, add one or more </br> tags.

The Issued Assets Email is not a report therefore cannot be scheduled. To automate emails for overdue issues, use a Background Notification.
On-Premise installations must have the Email Settings configured in order to send any type of email from within ToolHound.

See also:

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