Purchase Rental information tab for Serialized Items

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This tab contains the information related to the purchase or rental of the item from a third party. This information can be populated by the Purchasing module, when the item is imported, or by manually entering the data.

Fields on this tab include:


P O No

The Purchase Order on which the item was received. This can be entered manually or it can be automatically populated when using the Purchasing module.


The vendor from which the item was purchased. This can be entered manually or it can be automatically populated when using the Purchasing module.

Invoice No

The invoice number on which the item was purchased. This can be entered manually or it can be automatically populated when using the Purchasing module.

Received Date

The date the item was received This can be entered manually or it can be automatically populated when using the Purchasing module.


The purchase cost to the organization for this item. This can be entered manually or it can be automatically populated when using the Purchasing module.

When the purchase cost is updated, this also updates the Average Cost for the Part Number on any associated Transaction Rental Rate Sheets as well as the Average and Last Cost for the Part Number for the item's stocking point and the General tab.

Warranty Expiration Date

The warranty expiration date is usually calculated automatically using the Received Date for the item and the part number's Warranty (in months). It can also be selected manually.


Third Party Rental

Select to indicate your organization is renting this item temporarily from a third party that is supplying the inventory

Capital Lease

Select to indicate this item is on a capital lease from a third party that is supplying the inventory

Rent Start Date

Select the start date of your organization's rental contract with a third party supplying the item

Rent End Date

Select the end date of your organization's rental contract with the third party supplying the item

Rental Cost

This is the cost to your organization for renting the item from a third party. Either enter the total cost of the rental or enter the cost per Rental Period.

ToolHound does not calculate the rental cost to your organization.

Rental Period

If desired, select a rental period from the list to combine with the Rental Cost.

Rental Contract No

Enter the rental contract number from the third party supplying the item.

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