General tab for Part Numbers

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This is the default tab. All the information common across all child stocking locations and associated IDs appears on this tab.

Fields on this tab include:


Select a category from the predefined drop down list.

Sub Category

Select the sub category from a predefined drop down list. Only sub categories for the selected category are available.


Select a manufacturer from the predefined drop down list.


Enter the model number of up to 50 characters.


Enter the size for the part of up to 30 characters.


Enter the numeric weight value for the part. Supports two decimals.

Weight Unit

Select a predefined unit of measure to use with the Weight value.

Max Days Out

Enter the maximum number of days the item can be issued per transaction. A due date for return will be generated based on the issue transaction date plus the max days out. Applies to serialized and bulk inventory only. This field is disregarded if set to 0 or blank.

Maximum Issue

Enter the maximum number of issues at one time to each employee. This field is disregarded if set to 0 or blank.

Maximum Issue Days

Used in conjunction with Maximum Issue. When calculating the maximum issue to an entity, specify the number of days that those issues occurred in. For example, maximum of 6 issued in last 14 days. This field is disregarded if set to 0 or blank.

Total Life

Enter the tool life as prescribed by the manufacturer in a number of months.


Select from a predefined list of countries.


Enter the warranty period in months. This is used to calculate the warranty expiry date for serialized items based on the purchase date.

User Field 1

Enter any supplementary information of up to 60 characters.

User Field 2

Enter any supplementary information of up to 50 characters.

User Field 3

Enter any supplementary information of up to 50 characters.


Select a predefined unit of measure used when issuing an item (issue unit).


Displays the last vendor of the part number generated from the Purchasing module. Read Only.

Last Purchased Date

Displays the date of the last purchase. Generated from the Purchasing module.

Last Cost

Displays the last cost of the item from either the Purchasing module (for all item types) or Adjust Inventory (Bulk or Consumable).

Average Cost

A system-generated read-only field populated by the Purchasing module and averaged across all stocking points.

Project Cost

Enter a cost value separate from the system-managed costs used by the Purchasing module. This is independent of the stocking point project cost. The part's project cost is used only when creating custom reports.

Replaced By

Select the part number previously used. Incudes a hyperlink to the replacement part number.

See also:

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