Picking a Requisition

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Transactions in the left side menu bar and then click Pick Requisition.
  2. Select the requisition to pick using either method below.
    Enter the Requisition No and click. The identifying details will be displayed in the General tab.
    Clickto display a list of unpicked requisitions. Click a requisition to pick. The identifying details will be displayed in the General tab.
  3. If required, add any Notes for the transaction below the Requisition Notes.
  4. Click the Details tab.
  5. Set up the transaction to be generated
    1. Optionally override Use Current Date & Time.
    2. Select a Transaction Type from the drop-down list.
    3. Optionally override the Billing Date Same as Transaction Date/Time.
    4. Toggle Print after saving? on or off if required to print the transaction receipt.
    5. Toggle Email after saving? on or off if required to email the transaction receipt to the entity.
  6. Pick the inventory.
    1. Optionally select Pick all non-serialized to add all consumables, bulk, and non-stock items in the required quantities to the grid.
    2. Pick each item ID for the requisition.
      1. Enter the Item ID. It will be transferred to the grid below.
      2. Enter the Quantity Picked.
      3. Enter the Container for shipment if applicable.
To substitute a replacement for any part number on the requisition, enter the Substitute Part Item ID to the right of the part number in the grid.
  1. Click to process the transaction. A confirmation message will display the transaction number generated.
Items not included on the approved requisition cannot be added to the this transaction. Create a new issue for any additional or replacement items.

See also:

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