Details tab for Requisitions

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Details tab allows you to add, remove or close individual parts on open, unapproved and unpicked requisitions. This tab displays the following fields,

Part No

Displays the part number of the requested inventory.


Displays the description of the part number for the requested inventory.

Unit of Measure

Displays the unit of measure for each part number of the requested inventory.

Qty Required

Displays the quantity requested of the part. The quantity cannot be edited if the part number is closed, the requisition is cancelled or the requisition has been approved.

Qty Picked

Displays the quantity that has already been picked and issued for the part.

Qty On Hand

Displays the real-time quantity on hand.


Click to lock the part number and prevent any additional transactions for the part. If all parts are marked closed, the requisition itself is flagged as closed in the General tab.

Cost Code

If cost coding is enabled in the stocking location, a cost code can be selected for a line item that might overriden the cost code set for the document.

This tab can be filtered to search and find from longer lists by entering search criteria in the first row.

See also:

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