About Purchase Orders

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Purchase Orders are part of the add-on Purchasing module. This feature is used to view, edit, approve, cancel, and create purchase orders for vendors as well as view the history of inventory received against each purchase order. Purchase orders (POs) can be initiated from an approved purchase requisition, the Reorder Worksheet, or they can be created on this page. Regardless of the origin, to authorize a purchase order and update the "on order" quantities for parts, the purchase order must be set to Ready to Approve then Approved.

If an approval process has not been defined for purchase orders, any PO set to Ready to Approve and saved will automatically be Approved.

Information stored on a purchase order includes the basic purchase order information including any associated purchase requisition, the details or line items on the purchase order with costs, the details of receipts and returns for each part number and any approval processes, if required.

Once a purchase orders order is approved, it is locked. Approved POs cannot be edited but they can be cancelled. Approved POs can also be unapproved using a special function.

Related Reports
Purchase Orders

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