Counted tab for Counts

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This tab is where manual counts are added, counts are reviewed, or spot checks are performed. It displays the items for which count was created. Counted items are added in the upper section and the grid is read-only. Once a count is closed, this tab is not editable.

Do not count an item ID at 0 unless you explicitly want to retired a serialized item or adjust a non-serialized item ID to 0. If you do not find an item when taking the count, it will be recorded as a discrepancy.

Fields on this tab include:

Data entry

Item ID

Enter the item ID to count.


Enter the quantity on hand counted.

Click to transfer the item ID and quantity to the detail grid. If the item ID is already included in the grid, it will be updated. The Counted Date will contain the current date and time. The User Full Name will be the name of the user currently logged in.

Detail grid

Item ID

The item ID of the item included in the count by the count type criteria or added to the count manually.


The quantity counted. For non-serialized inventory that might be counted in multiple entries, the grid will be updated with the sum of quantities counted.  In the case that multiple users counted the item, the most recently counted Date time and User will be recorded.


Displays the the quantity on hand for the serialized item ID or the non-serialized part number.


Displays the Bin Shelf storage area for either a serialized item or a non-serialized part number.

Part Number

Displays the part number for the item ID.


Displays the part description.

Serial Number

Displays the serial number for a serialized item ID.

Counted Date

Displays the date and time the Quantity in the count was updated. In the case that multiple users counted the item, the most recently Counted Date and time will be recorded.

User Full Name

Displays the first and last name of the user who updated the Quantity in the count. In the case that multiple users counted the item, the most recently counted by User will be recorded.

See also:

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