General tab for Tasks

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

This is the default tab for Tasks. All the general information is shown here. You can add, edit or delete a task using this feature.

Fields on this tab include:


Enter the frequency of the task in meter units for Planned work order types only. Used in combination with the Meter to indicate the service interval.


Select the meter that is used to define the frequency of the task for Planned work order types. Used in combination with the Frequency to indicate the service interval.

Meter for Reading

Select the meter to take readings for Reading Only task types.

Check List

Select a checklist from the drop down list. See Check Lists for more information.

Estimated Work Hours

Enter the estimated working hours required to complete the task.

Estimated Labor Cost

Enter the estimated labor cost.

Estimated Materials Cost

Enter the estimated material cost.

Estimated External Cost

Enter the estimated external cost.

Recommended Vendor

Select the default vendor to perform task.

Notification Lead Time

Use this section to configure how far in advance of the Service Due a warning will be displayed when adding items to transactions (issue and return) or transfers.

The Lead Time also applies to email notifications. For information on setting up Service Due notifications sent daily by email see About Notifications.

Percent of Meter

Used in conjunction with the Meter, enter a whole number to define a percentage of the meter reading for advance notice of the service being due for this task.


Used in conjunction with the Meter, enter a whole number to define a period of time for advance notice of the service being due for this task.

Examples: 30 days, 1 week, 7 days


Used with either Percent of Meter or Time to define the advance notice of the service being due for this task.

Example: within 10% in advance of the mileage reading

See also:

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