About Counts on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Count screen is used for physical inventories or stocktaking using ToolHound 6 Mobile. Only counts that have not been closed are listed. This option has two uses:

  • Create a new count of either "Whatever I like" or "By Entity" count types.
  • Add to an existing count that was previously created. Depending on the count type, there might or might not be a list of item IDs to count.
Watch this video for an overview of the cycle of a physical count, both in the browser and using the Mobile app.
Multiple users can work on the same count number at the same time. Be mindful of this when performing large inventories to save time and avoid duplication of effort.

Fields on this screen include:


The Count number automatically assigned by the system.


The name or description of the count as defined by the user when it was created. If required, this can be changed in the browser provided the count is not closed.

Start Date

Date the count was created or opened.

See also:

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