Details tab for Pick Transfer Request
The following fields are shown on this tab:
Use Current Date & Time? | By default the current date and time is use for the transfer to be generated. Uncheck this option to override it with a different date and time. |
Billing Location | Select the stocking point that is charging rent to the transfer destination. Applies and required only when the Transfer Rentals module is licensed. |
Billing Date Same as Transfer Date? | By default the transfer date and time is use as the rental start date for the items for the transfer to be generated. Uncheck this option to override it with a different date and time. Visible only when the Transfer Rentals module is licensed. |
Inventory Status | Select the inventory status from the drop down list for serialized items. Only statuses of the type In Transit are eligible. |
Item ID | Enter the ID of the item to be picked. |
Quantity Transferred | The quantity of the inventory being picked. For serialized items must be 1. |
Click to pick the item ID and quantity transferred and add to the details grid below. | |
Transfer Rate Sheet | When the Transfer Rental module is in use, this will be automatically populated based on the combination of From and To locations on the transfer request. |
Transfer Type | If desired, add a transfer type to the document. |
Pick all non-serialized? | Check this option to automatically pick all consumable, bulk, and non-stock inventory in the quantities requested. This option can only be selected after selecting the Billing Location, if applicable, and Inventory Status. Item IDs can be deleted or the quantity modified once the grid is populated. |
Print after saving? | Check this box to print the packing list when the picked request is processed. If entered, the container will be included on the Packing Slip when printed. If there are multiple containers on the transfer, a separate page will be printed for each container. |
Part Number Grid
Contains all part numbers on the transfer request being picked
Inventory | Displays the part numbers for the selected transfer request. When an item is picked, a new row will appear underneath with the Item ID, Bin, Serial Number and Transfer Qty. |
Description | Displays the description of the part numbers. |
Item ID | Displays the item ID for non-serialized inventory. |
Unit | Displays the unit of measure of the part numbers. |
Bin Shelf | Displays the storage location of the part number if available. |
Qty Required | Displays the transfer request requested quantity for the part numbers. |
Qty Picked | Displays the quantity picked for the part numbers. |
Balance | Displays the remainder to be picked for the part number. |
Substitute Part Item ID | Enter the item ID for the part being substituted on the transfer request. |
Cost Code | If a job and sub job have been included on the transfer request, a cost code may be assigned for each part number. |
Picked Items Grid
Displayed for each picked item beneath each part number.
Item ID | The item ID being picked. |
Container No | Enter the container where the item is placed for shipment on this transfer. Displayed only if Container Packing List is enabled for the stocking location. |
Bin | The Bin / Shelf for serialized items. |
Serial Number | The serial number for serialized items. |
Transfer Qty | The quantity being picked for this transfer. |
Cost Code | The Cost Code associated with the item(s), if entered. |
See Also:
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