General tab for Transfer Receipts

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The General tab for Transfer Receipts contains the identifying information for the document.

Fields on this tab include:

Transfer Receipt No

Displays the receipt number of the selected transfer.

Transfer No

Displays the transfer number associated with the receipt. Hyperlinks to the originating transfer.

From Location

Displays the original location for the transfer.

Received Date

Displays the date the transfer was recorded as having been received.

Transfer Date

Displays the date of the transfer record.

To Location

Displays the destination location for the transfer where the inventory was received.

Created by

Displays the name of the user who has created the receipt.

Date Created

Displays the date when the receipt is created.

New Inventory Status

Displays the inventory status assigned to received serialized inventory.


Displays the notes for the received transfer.  May be edited.

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