Address tab for Locations

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

The Address tab applies to both stocking and non-stocking locations.

Each location can assigned separate a billing and shipping address. Each address has the same fields available.


Enter the contact name at the address. Up to 100 characters.


Enter the email address for the contact at this address.  Must be in a valid email address format.

To send a list of outstanding inventory by email, ensure the Email in the Billing Address section is entered.


Enter the telephone number for the contact at this address.  Up to 60 characters.


Enter the fax number for the contact at this address.  Up to 60 characters.


Enter the street address. Up to 150 characters.


Enter the city for this address. Up to 100 characters.


Select the country from a pre-defined list.


When the selected country is either Canada or the United States, select a state or province from the list. Otherwise, up to 100 characters.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code. Up to 40 characters.

See also:

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