Registering an Item on TH6 Mobile

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Tap Inventory then tap Register Item.
  2. Type a Part Number. Alternatively, tap to search by Description or tap to scan a Part Number barcode if available.
  3. Enter a new Item ID by typing or tapping to scan a new barcode or QR code.
  4. Select the Inventory Status for the new item.
  5. Add supplementary optional information about the new item.
  • Identifying information includes the Serial Number, and up to two Alternate IDs
  • Purchasing information includes the Vendor, Received Date, Cost, Third Party Rental, and possibly the Department
  • Additional information includes th Bin Shelf where the item is stored, Model, three User Fields, and Condition.

It is best practice to enter purchase costs or replacement costs when new inventory is added as this is most easily done now impacts data appearing on reports.
  1. Tap to save the new item.

See also:

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