Creating an Inventory Adjustment

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

  1. Click Inventory in the main left side menu bar, then click Adjust Inventory.
  2. Click the to add a new adjustment record.
  3. Select a Location from the Location Name drop down list.
  4. Scan/Enter in the Item ID of the item to be adjusted. If the Item ID is not known, click to search for the correct item ID. The Part Number, Description, and current QOH will be displayed.
  5. Enter the Quantity of change in the inventory level. This will be added to the current QOH when the adjustment is saved.
  6. Enter a Reason for the change.
  7. Enter values in optional fields as needed: Cost, Currency, Bin, Job, Sub Job, Cost Code.
  8. Click to update the item.
The Visibility for the part number must be at the same level or higher in the location path in order as the desired stocking point.
When doing an inventory adjustment for a part number that is a bulk kit, both the kit part QOH and the kit contents QOH are updated. For an increase, the kit QOH increases and the kit contents QOH decrease for the specified location. Adjustment records will be created for both sides of the adjustment. If there is insufficient content inventory for the adjustment, the adjustment will not be completed and a message will be displayed.

See also:

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