About Close Count

Updated by Cheryl Wallace

Close Count is used to finalize an open count and updating the quantities for counted items.  Inventory adjustments are generated for any discrepancies from the original quantities on hand and a report can be printed. Once counts are closed, they can still be viewed but items and quantities cannot be changed.

The last-used selections for the required fields will be loaded automatically. Override these options if appropriate.

Items that have not been counted will not be affected by closing the count. Their Last Count Date will not be updated.
When a Count By Entity count is closed, it does not affect the quantity on hand since this applies to what has been issued to the personnel or non-stocking location. Any serialized items counted that were not previously issued to the entity will be issued. If they were recorded as issued to a different entity, they will be reassigned. Non-serialized inventory counted for the entity is not issued to the entity as it's impossible to determine whether the inventory was taken from on hand inventory or from another entity.
Kits are handled differently than standard inventory. Find out more.

The following fields will be shown: 


This is the count number to close. Only open counts are available to select.


Displays the description of the count to close.

Location Name

Displays the stocking location at which the count was created.

Start Date

Displays the date the count was created.

Print Discrepancy Report

Check this box to print a list of discrepancies summarized to the part number level between the original expected quantity (Quantity on Hand or Issued Quantity for Count By Entity count types) for the stocking location and the quantity counted when the count is closed.

Reinstate Status

For serialized items that were counted as on hand but previously recorded as retired, select a new inventory status with which to reinstate the item.  Eligible inventory statuses do not have the Is Retired flag.

Return Transaction Type

For serialized items that were counted as on hand but previously recorded as issued, select the transaction type for the automatic return of the item into stock. Eligible transaction types must have the Return flag.

Return Status

For serialized items that were counted as on hand but previously recorded as issued, select the return status to be used with the above-specified return transaction .  Eligible return statuses must have the Update QOH flag and must not have the Retire Item flag.

Retired Status

Serialized items explicitly counted as 0 will be retired using this status.

Issue Transaction Type

Used for Count By Entity count types only. Select the transaction type to be used for the automatic issue of counted serialized inventory not previously issued to the entity ID.

See also:

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